“Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18), the Bible tells us. Without a vision, a person lacks inspiration, direction, and purpose. Having a clear and well-defined vision can serve not only as a guiding light but also as a blueprint for your highest destiny. That’s why today, I’d like to share with you nine good reasons why you need a vision. That’s where the leadership journey begins. Your life, career, success, happiness, and the fulfillment of your heart’s desires all depend on it.
In the book “Think Out of the Box,” former dean of Disney University, Mike Vance, tells the story of the last interview Walt Disney gave. A dying old man in his hospital bed, Mr. Disney asked the reporter to sit close enough, so he could tell him about the vision of the park he was planning to build. The park, Walt told him, wouldn’t open for another six years.
Imagine the scene. A man with just hours left to live, talking incessantly about a park he would never get to see. Instead of discussing how much money he had made or how his estate would be allocated amongst his heirs, he spoke about the only thing that meant the most to him: a vision that made his heart sing.
What if you could create such a vision for your life? An idea that inspires you so much you would dedicate the rest of your life to it. In this article, I invite you to embark on a journey of introspection and personal growth as we explore why having a vision is essential and how you can create one that will transform your life.
1. A Vision is Something You Create
If you’re waiting for someone to tell you what your vision should be, you’re wasting your time. A vision is something you create. Close your eyes and tune into the deepest longings within your heart for yourself, the people you love, and humanity as a whole. What do you see? What do you feel? What do you sense?
To help embody this idea, consider the following questions:
- What are some dreams or goals you’ve always had but never pursued?
- What values or principles are most important to you, and how do they guide your vision?
- If you could achieve anything in your life, what would it be?
Consider the story of Oprah Winfrey, who envisioned creating a media empire that would empower and inspire millions of people worldwide. It was her personal vision that drove her to overcome numerous obstacles and build a network that reflects her core values.
2. The Purpose of a Vision is to Make You Come Fully Alive
The purpose of a vision is to inspire you and excite you. Howard Thurman reminded us of this when he said that this world needs more people coming fully alive.
Consider these questions:
- What activity or goal gets you excited and motivated?
- What are the things in life that make you feel energized and fully engaged?
- When do you feel the most alive and how can this feeling guide your vision?
Look at Elon Musk’s vision of colonizing Mars. Despite the enormity of the challenge, his vision excites him to the core, and it motivates countless others to work together towards a common goal of interplanetary exploration.
3. A Vision Gives You a Sense of Direction
Once you’ve decided you’re going to Rome, it’s easy to choose what the next steps will be. Having a clear vision gives you a strong sense of direction and will help you determine the necessary steps that will get you there.
Reflect on these questions:
- What is a goal you have always wanted to reach, and what steps can you take toward it?
- How would having a clearer vision change the way you approach your day-to-day life?
- If your life was a journey, what would be the destination you’re heading towards?
Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of racial equality guided the civil rights movement. It gave everyone involved a clear sense of direction, and they were able to work together towards a shared goal.
4. A Vision Gives You a Place to ‘Come From’ and not ‘Get To.’
Your vision is not merely a destination to reach one day. Instead, a vision will give you a place to come from each and every moment you choose to align with the person you must become.
Consider the following questions:
- How can you incorporate your vision into your daily actions and decisions?
- In what ways can your vision serve as a grounding principle in your life?
- How does your vision reflect the person you aspire to be?
Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a free India was not just about achieving independence from British rule. It was about embodying nonviolence and civil disobedience as a way of life. He lived his vision every day and inspired millions to do the same.
5. Your Vision is Not Big Enough if It Only Involves You
We live in a coherent web of interconnection and collaboration, where everything affects the whole. When you think about your vision, who will your vision touch? What will be the greater impact your vision will create in the world? Who else will benefit from it?
Consider these questions:
- How does your vision extend beyond your personal goals to impact others?
- In what ways could your vision benefit your community or the world at large?
- How can you involve others in your vision and make it a collective effort?
Mother Teresa’s vision of serving the poorest of the poor went beyond herself. Her compassion and dedication inspired countless others to join her in providing aid and care to those in need.
6. A Vision that Will Transform Your DNA
Achieving your vision will transform you at the core of your being. It will literally re-program and re-shape your DNA. In the end, you’ll realize it wasn’t all about success or the money. It was about the person you needed to become.
Think about these questions:
- What transformations would you like to see within yourself as you pursue your vision?
- How do you imagine achieving your vision would change you on a deep, core level?
- How could your personal growth be a reflection of the success of your vision?
Nelson Mandela’s vision of a free and equal South Africa not only transformed the nation but also transformed him from an angry prisoner to a peaceful unifying leader who sought reconciliation over vengeance.
7. A Vehicle to Your Highest Potential
While most of us will never have the same aspirations Walt Disney had, the truth is that within our hearts, there’s an invisible, creative force or intelligence urging us to become the most loving, creative, powerful, and unique versions of ourselves. And this force requires a vehicle through which it can manifest.
Reflect on the following:
- In what ways can your vision act as a conduit for your highest potential?
- How can your vision help you unlock new capabilities or skills?
- What personal strengths can you tap into to realize your vision?
Marie Curie’s vision of scientific discovery led her to become the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Her vision of unlocking the secrets of the universe drove her to push her boundaries and the limits of scientific knowledge.
8. You’ll See It Before Everyone Else
Years after Walt Disney’s death and Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World was finally completed, someone walked up to Mike Vance and said, “Isn’t it too bad that Walt Disney didn’t live to see this?” Vance looked at him and said, “He did see it. That’s why it’s here.”
Here are some questions to ponder:
- What elements of your vision can you visualize clearly even before they manifest?
- How can your personal belief in your vision guide you when others might not see it?
- Does visualizing your vision in detail make it feel more attainable?
Steve Jobs’ vision of a world with personal computers in every home was once seen as outlandish, but he saw it before anyone else. His belief in his vision led to the birth of Apple and the revolution of the tech industry.
9. You Are Your Vision
There’s no separation between you and your vision. It isn’t about “you” achieving “your vision.” It’s about recognizing that you are the vision. It’s an expression of your soul. It’s a reflection of who you are as a person.
Think about these questions:
- How does your vision align with your personal identity and values?
- How is your vision an extension of who you are as a person?
- What unique aspects of your personality are reflected in your vision?
The Dalai Lama’s vision of spreading compassion and peace aligns perfectly with his personal identity as a Buddhist monk. His vision is an extension of who he is, and it reflects his commitment to nonviolence, tolerance, and respect for all life.
Final Thoughts
Visions inspire us. They give us a sense of direction and help us tap into our highest potential. Having a vision means seeing it before anyone else and recognizing that you are the vision. A vision is something you create, and it can transform your DNA. It gives you a place to come from, not just a place to get to, and it should extend beyond you to touch others.
As a Heart Leader, your first step to manifesting your heart’s desires is to articulate a vision that inspires you to become the greatest version of yourself. It’s not just about what you can achieve, but who you become along the way.
You are your vision. Without a vision, your life will perish. Stand firm in your heart’s vision, allow it to guide and inspire you, and let it be the force that propels you forward towards your highest potential.
From my heart to yours,