Upcoming Events, Courses & Workshops

Interactive Group Programs

For people who want live experiences and want to meet interesting people.

Heart Mastery Circle

Starts on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Online via Zoom

Unlock the wisdom of your heart by joining my 8-week, immersive group program. Receive weekly coaching and become part of a supportive tribe to navigate life’s challenges from a heart-centered space.

Heart Warrior Bootcamp – Starts April 30th

A high-impact 12-week group coaching program designed to help you heal your heart, let go of addictions, reclaim your power, and unlock your full potential.

Who is it for? Anyone ready to make significant life changes, overcome emotional challenges, release limiting beliefs, and break free from addiction.

Your investment: USD $750 (Payment plan available)

Heart Leader Certification

A nine-month certified program in Heart Intelligence Coaching, Small Group Facilitation, and Transformational Leadership • Starts February 11th, 2025

Who is it for? Anyone who is committed to their own personal transformation and spiritual growth, while aspiring to become coaches, facilitators, or leaders in their respective industries or fields.

Your investment: $4,800 (Payment plan available)

A Pilgrimage of the Heart

Dates: May 12th – 21st, 2025

10-day pilgrimage along the Spiritual Variant of the Portuguese Coastal Route, following the historic path that carried St. James’ remains to their final resting place.

Who is it for? Anyone with an adventurous spirit, who is interested in a deeper connection with God, or who is interested in becoming physically, mentally, and emotionally stronger.