The Initiate
Your quiz scores indicate your heart is moderately blocked and starting to open. You seem to be at the initial stages of Heart Awakening.
That’s fantastic news!
Heart Awakening is the transformational shift in perception that you experience when you move beyond the duality of the ego, intellect, or mind and begin to operate more from the non-linear, all-loving, nurturing, and life-supporting energy of the heart.
But don’t worry: in this post, I give you plenty of tools, tips, and resources to help you completely unblock your heart, so it can fully open.
And when that wonderful heart of yours fully opens, your life will start flowing with love, power, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose.
As a result of living with an open, loving heart, you’ll experience healthier, loving relationships, financial freedom, meaningful work, deeper fulfillment, and excitement for life.
Let’s Get your Heart Fully Open!
If your quiz results indicate that your heart is moderately blocked and starting to open, it is time to start doing the necessary inner and outer work to naturally restore the flow of love in your life.
It is time to begin the journey of Heart Mastery, or the journey toward living life more fully and openly from the heart.
Below, you’ll find several practical and actionable tips below to aid you with this.

The Initiate Archetype
The Initiate Archetype represents a person who, after painful life experiences that caused their heart to close, decides to initiate the journey of Heart Mastery. This initiation is often the result of a crisis or breakdown that leads the person to question their current view of reality and open themselves to a new awareness or increased perception of themselves, others, and life.
The Initiate then chooses to walk the Path of Heart Mastery and begins to learn the skills, tools, and practices that will eventually turn him into a powerful warrior.
The Initiate Archetype also represents the hero answering ‘yes’ to the call to adventure that will transform their life.
Four Tips to Open your Heart
The following tips have proven helpful to me and to every client or student I’ve worked with. And they will for you too, IF you’re willing to put in the necessary work, time, and energy that they require.

Tip #1: Journaling Exercise
In a notebook or journal, list the most significant past events, relationships, or circumstances that caused your heart to close.
In my case, I was sexually abused when I was 12. So, I wrote pages and pages of notes about how I felt at the time and about how much fear, anger, guilt, and shame I was still carrying with me. The more I wrote, the more I connected and felt these old emotions. And the more I felt, the lighter I began to feel.
I recommend you practice automatic writing, the technique of writing non-stop, without editing or paying attention to punctuation or grammar. Just write the first thing that comes to your mind. This technique helps bypass the conscious mind and allows unconscious material to begin to surface more easily.
Here are some questions to help you get started:
- What events caused me the most pain in my life?
- What did I feel at the time? How did I respond?
- What feelings were not expressed back that I might still be holding on to?
- Who would I be without these feelings?
- What would my life look like and feel like if I could let go of the past and fully open my heart to love?
After completing this exercise, take a moment to feel appreciation for yourself and the courage it took to face your feelings. You have taken a big step towards opening your heart to love.

Tip #2: Guided Meditations
The 10-Minute Heart-Mind Coherence and Sending Heart Energy to Others guided meditations below will help you unblock your heart, calm down, reduce stress, and increase your capacity to make better choices. Heart coherence is the term used by the institute of HeartMath to describe a state of psycho-physiological coherence in which all your bodily systems are working together, efficiently, and in harmony. The heart has its own neuronal network that is always interacting with the part of the brain that controls the emotions and physiology of the body.
The negative emotions we experience when we are stressed cause the different systems in our body to lose their synchronization. This causes an imbalance in heart rate and the nervous system that leads to the inhibition of the rational brain. In contrast, when you experience positive emotions, this creates harmony in the nervous system and heart rate, restoring and synchronizing all systems, and facilitating the connection between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This will result in greater mental clarity, focus, feelings of ease, and an increase in your capacity to make better decisions.
Before you click the play button, please find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
And be sure to also explore my other free guided meditations, such as The Twelve Virtues of the Heart. They’ll help you stay connected to your heart and slowly open you to a whole world of new possibilities!

Tip #3: Recommended Reading
Below are a series of articles from my blog you’ll find useful. But please don’t just read them and then forget about what you learned. Be sure to also apply what you learned right away. That’s the fastest way to learn!
- What is Heart Intelligence?
- What is Heart Awakening?
- The Five Ways of Being
- The Heart Wall, a Protective Mechanism to Keep you Safe
- Three Mistakes People Make When Sharing Their Feelings
- How to Heal a Broken Heart
- How to Forgive Someone Who Broke Your Heart
- Five Steps to Follow Your Heart’s Direction
- Nothing Will Change Unless You Do These Three Things
- Waking Up vs. Getting Up
- How to Find Your Way Back To Your Heart
Furthermore, here are three books I highly recommend you read:
- Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by Dr. David R. Hawkins
- Waking Up with Everyone Around Us by Tej Steiner
- Follow your Heart: The Map to Illumination by Puran and Susanna Bair
These books will be of great assistance in helping you understand what it truly means to open your heart and start living a more purposeful life.

Tip #4: Embark on the Path of Heart Mastery
Are you ready to take embark on the path of Heart Mastery, transform your life, and become the best version of yourself? My online courses and group coaching programs are designed to help you reach your goals and live a life filled with love, joy, and purpose. If you’re seeking to create profound and meaningful changes in your life, there are several ways we can collaborate.