Have you ever been swept away by a spiritual experience that felt like the ultimate truth – only to later crash back to earth, wondering if it was all just a delusion? In the world of spirituality, not all that glitters is gold. Some of the most captivating states of consciousness can, in fact, be dangerous traps that lead us away from genuine awakening.
As someone who’s been on the spiritual path for decades, I’ve had my share of dazzling experiences – states of blissful oneness, ecstatic visions, and profound insights that seemed to hold the key to enlightenment. But I’ve also come to recognize that many of these experiences were, in fact, “false spiritual states” – seductive detours that fed my ego and ultimately held me back from true spiritual growth.
In this article, I’ll be sharing my journey through the maze of spiritual delusion, offering hard-won wisdom on how to spot the signs of false spiritual states of awakening and find your way back to the Real you. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or just starting out on the spiritual path, learning to discern true wisdom from spiritual fool’s gold is an essential skill. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in.
When the Ego Becomes Spiritualized
My own journey into spiritual delusion began innocently enough. After months of diligent meditation, chanting mantras, and participating in ceremonies, I started tapping into states of consciousness that felt sublime and expansive. Waves of bliss would wash over me, filling me with a sense of deep peace and connection. I felt I had finally broken through the veil of illusion and glimpsed the ultimate nature of reality.
But then, subtly at first, a kind of intoxication began to take hold. The calm clarity started giving way to an inflated sense of having transcended the “lower” vibration of the world. I would sit in meditation and feel myself ascending to lofty heights hanging out with Jesus and other spiritual masters, looking down on the folly of those still trapped in ignorance.
I see now that my ego had simply found a clever disguise – cloaking itself in the robes of spiritual attainment to feed its need for specialness. But at the time, I was convinced I had reached a level of enlightenment that set me apart. I reveled in the admiration and even envy I imagined others felt in my presence.
This grandiosity was a kind of addictive drug, and I fell for it completely. The more I identified with being a “highly spiritually evolved being,” the more my genuine spiritual growth stagnated. I had fallen into one of the classic traps on the path: a spiritualized ego, mistaking its delusions for divine connection.
9 Telltale Signs of False Spiritual States
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
— Stephen Hawking
Looking back, the red flags were there all along. I was just too bedazzled by the glow of pseudo-awakening to see them. If you suspect you might be under the spell of a false spiritual state, here are eight warning signs to look out for:
- Superiority Complex: A feeling of superiority or specialness compared to others. If your “realization” has you convinced you’re more evolved than those around you, question it deeply. True awakening dissolves the ego’s need to feel superior by perceiving others as inferior.
- Inflated Self-Image: An exaggerated sense of your own importance or attainment. Are you starting to believe you’re here to save humanity, destined for sainthood, or that you’ve transcended the struggles of the human condition? Be wary of any notion that inflates your self-image.
- Fanaticism: Being rigidly attached to a particular spiritual belief system or practice to the point of intolerance and closed-mindedness. If you find yourself dismissing or condemning other paths or perspectives, unable to see the common truth that underlies all authentic spiritual traditions, you may have slipped into fanaticism. True wisdom does not need defending.
- Compulsive Preaching: A compulsive need to convert or convince others. If you find yourself preaching or pushing your “truth” on those around you, your ego may be trying to validate itself through others’ approval. Genuine wisdom has no need to proselytize.
- Emotional Rollercoaster: Extreme emotional highs and lows. Are you riding waves of euphoria only to crash into pits of despair? Beware of any state that has you swinging from bliss to misery. The true stability of awakening is a grounded equanimity.
- Spiritual Bypassing: Using “spirituality” to avoid dealing with uncomfortable emotions, unresolved wounds, or real-life challenges. If you find yourself using spiritual concepts to bypass the messy work of self-reflection and growth, you may be falling into a false state.
- Manipulation and Control: Using “spirituality” to control or manipulate others. This is one of the ego’s most insidious tricks – employing the language of awakening or damnation to gain power over people. If your practice becomes a means of exploiting others’ trust, you’ve gone far astray.
- Spiritual One-Upmanship: Constantly trying to prove how spiritual “awaken” you are to others. If you find yourself competing to be the most enlightened person in the room, caught in a game of spiritual one-upmanship, you’ve lost sight of what truly matters. Authentic spirituality is not a competition. If there’s a competition, it’s only with yourself.
- Lack of Embodiment: A disconnect between your “spiritual” persona and your day-to-day actions. If you talk a good game about compassion and wisdom but fail to embody these qualities in your relationships and life choices, your awakening may be more conceptual than actual.
The Paradoxical Path of Spiritual Growth
If you recognize any of these patterns, don’t judge yourself harshly. The spiritual path is truly a “hero’s journey,” complete with temptations to go astray and formidable dragons of delusion. It takes great courage and discernment to stay true to the quest.
In fact, I’ve come to see that falling into these false spiritual states is often a necessary stage of growth that all seekers must move through. When we’re first exposed to spiritual ideas, our ego tends to co-opt them, using them to aggrandize itself. After all, what ego does not want to become a ‘better ego’?
It’s a bit like the training wheels on a bicycle. At first, the ego needs these “spiritual training wheels” to get a taste of what’s possible. But over time, as we deepen our practice and truly integrate these teachings, the ego’s grip begins to loosen. The very awareness that once fed the ego’s delusions gradually dissolves the ego itself.
So if you find yourself caught in the trap of spiritual delusion, take heart. Every master was once a disaster. See it as a sign that you’re on the path, that real growth is happening beneath the surface. Trust that as you continue to practice with sincerity and humility, the light of true wisdom will gradually dawn, and the ego’s shadow will fade away.
Surrendering the Pursuit: The Gentle Path Back to Authenticity
So, how do we free ourselves when we’ve become ensnared in a false spiritual state? In my experience, it starts with the willingness to ruthlessly question our most cherished illusions. We must be ready to face the sometimes painful truth that our “spiritual achievements” may be just another mask of the ego.
This process requires a kind of sacred surrender – a relinquishing of our attachment to the identity we’ve constructed around our spiritual persona. We have to be willing to start over as a beginner, letting go of the need to be seen as “enlightened” or “wise.”
Here are some practices that have helped me find my way back to authenticity:
- Cultivate humility. Recognize that the true wisdom of awakening is an unending journey of discovery, not a finish line to cross. Embrace the beauty of being an eternal student.
- Practice self-compassion. The ego’s distortions are not a personal failing, but a natural part of the human experience. Forgive yourself for getting lost, and treat yourself with the kindness you would extend to a dear friend.
- Engage in shadow work. Be willing to face and integrate the hidden, rejected, or denied parts of yourself. Our false spiritual states often arise from an unwillingness to confront our own darkness. By bringing compassionate awareness to our shadow, we can begin to heal and wholeness.
- Reconnect with your body and emotions. False spiritual states often have us “transcending” our humanity. Come back to the raw, real sensations and feelings of your embodied experience. Let your humanness be your anchor.
- Cultivate discernment. Develop the ability to distinguish between genuine spiritual experiences and the ego’s imitations. This requires a commitment to self-honesty, a willingness to question our assumptions, and a deep attunement to the subtle qualities of our inner experience. Trust your heart’s wisdom to guide you.
- Seek reflection from trusted mentors. We all need mirrors to help us see our blind spots. Find a teacher or guide who can offer loving feedback and help you distinguish true wisdom from spiritual bypassing.
- Serve others with humility. Reorient your practice toward the simple act of showing up for others. Volunteer, listen deeply to a friend in need, offer your skills without fanfare. Let your awakening be in the mundane magic of humble service.
- Engage in heart-centered community. Surround yourself with sincere seekers who can support you on the path. As the proverb goes, “as iron sharpens iron, so does one person sharpen another.” Let your spiritual community be a source of accountability, inspiration, and shared wisdom.
- Continue your spiritual studies. Dive deep into the teachings of the masters, but always with an eye toward embodiment. Don’t just collect spiritual concepts; look for ways to apply them in your daily life. Let your studies be a springboard for genuine transformation, not just spiritual entertainment.
Final Thoughts
In the end, heart awakening, or true spiritual awakening, is not some cosmic fireworks display, but a quiet homecoming to your most authentic self: the Real you that hides behind the unexamined set of mental and emotional programs we call the ego. It’s ultimately about the simple glory of being real – of embracing your humanness with honesty, humor, and wholeheartedness.
As you continue on the path towards becoming the most loving, joyful, and powerful version of yourself, try to hold your “insights” and experiences lightly, knowing they may just be way stations toward a deeper truth. Nothing and no one is more spiritual than another, for life itself is a spiritual phenomenon. So, learn to find the sacred in the small moments of connection, and in the gritty grace of being a beautifully flawed human being. Imperfectly human, yet perfectly divine!
And when you find yourself once again tempted by the glimmer of these false spiritual states, gently remind yourself to stop chasing spiritual fool’s gold. The real treasure is in the simple beauty of being right here, right now, resting in the humble magnificence of your beating heart.
From my heart to yours,