You may have heard the term “Christ Consciousness” and dismissed it as New Age spirituality or even something opposed to Jesus’ teachings. But what if this concept holds the secret to unlocking your full potential as a heart-centered leader and a force for positive change in the world? What if “Christ Consciousness” is simply a term that refers to having the same mind and heart that Jesus possessed? What if we are really talking about the consciousness of unconditional love, which is at the heart of Jesus’s teachings?
In this article, we’ll dive deep into the heart of Christ Consciousness and explore how it can revolutionize your approach to personal mastery and leadership. We’ll challenge common misconceptions about Jesus and Christianity, and reveal the profound wisdom and love that lie at the core of his message. Along the way, you’ll discover the true meaning of Christ Consciousness, how to awaken the Christ Conscious leader within you, and the three essential decisions you must make to embody this transformative consciousness in your life and leadership. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just beginning your journey, this article will provide you with a roadmap to awakening the conscious leader within and harnessing the transformative power of Christ Consciousness. Let’s dive in.
Dispelling the Myth: Jesus Wasn’t a Christian
Let’s begin by clarifying a common misconception: Jesus wasn’t a Christian, nor did he go around trying to convince people to become Christians. He was a Jewish spiritual master born in Palestine during the times of the Roman Empire, and his ministry had one core message: to love your neighbor as yourself, and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. He dedicated his life to this teaching and to revealing the truth of the Kingdom of Heaven, for which he was killed.
After his death, Jesus was given the title “Christ,” derived from the Greek word “Christos,” which means “the anointed one.” This term has significant religious and cultural connotations, as it was used to refer to the long-awaited savior and deliverer of the Jewish people. The concept of the Messiah, or Christ, held great importance in Jewish tradition, as it was believed that this figure would bring about the ultimate redemption and salvation of God’s chosen people.
By being referred to as Jesus the Christ, after his death and resurrection, it is clear that he was believed to be the fulfillment of this prophetic role, a significant claim that continues to shape religious beliefs and also the cause of many controversies.
The Truth, The Way, and The Life
Central to Jesus’ ministry were his teachings about a truth so potent that it could liberate the human spirit. He declared, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). This truth wasn’t a mere collection of facts or dogmas but a profound revelation of the true nature of God, or The Father, as well as our true nature as the sons and daughters of God, and the divine connection within us.
Jesus didn’t only reveal the truth, but he also taught a way to God and the Kingdom of Heaven, which he always emphasized was “within.” This way is not about exclusive dogmas, but about embodying the divine qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy. It’s a path of inner transformation that leads to salvation, a life filled with purpose, abundance, and the realization of our spiritual potential.
“The Way” to God through the Heart
In the early days of Christianity, the followers of Jesus referred to their faith as “The Way”. This term emphasizes that Christianity was initially seen not as a religion, but as a path—a way of living in accordance with the teachings of Jesus or, simply, following “His Way”.
To me, Christ Consciousness is the type of consciousness that Jesus embodied and strove to impart to his disciples. It is a way of being that is loving, caring, and supportive of all life, and allows one to live in harmony with the Natural Law and Order of the Universe. Christ Consciousness and Love Consciousness are essentially the same thing.
Christ Consciousness is another name for the purest vibration of love and kindness that flows from the Heart of God to our human hearts. It has nothing to do with religion, New Age, or spiritualism. It is the universal, cosmic consciousness or intelligence of the purest vibration of love in action, which was fully realized and embodied by Jesus the Christ, as well as every Awakened Master who has walked this earth. Awakening this consciousness within you allows you to bridge the gap between your humanity and your divinity, creating a sense of inner freedom and divine flow as you vibrate in unity with God’s love.
Christianity vs. Churchianity: Rediscovering the Essence
As Christianity spread and became institutionalized, many of the original principles that Jesus taught were lost or distorted. What began as a simple, heart-centered way of life turned into a complex system of dogmas, rituals, and power structures. This shift gave rise to what some call “Churchianity” – a religion more focused on maintaining its own authority than embodying the teachings of Christ.
Dr. Howard Thurman, a renowned theologian and mentor to Martin Luther King Jr., was once asked if he was a Christian. His response was profound: “I consider myself a follower of the teachings of Christ, but not of a religion about Christ.” This statement captures the essence of what it means to be a Christ Conscious Leader – someone who embodies the principles Jesus taught, rather than simply adhering to a set of beliefs about him.
The early Christians understood that the path to God was through the heart, not through blind obedience to religious authorities. They saw Jesus as a model of love, compassion, and service, and sought to emulate his example in their daily lives. As Christ Conscious Leaders, we are called to rediscover this original essence and bring it into our leadership practice.
It is through this lens of rediscovering the heart of Jesus’ teachings that I share my own transformative experience.
The Journey That Changed Everything
Let me share a deeply personal experience with you. Years ago, while attending my first ayahuasca ceremony in South Africa, I found myself in the presence of Jesus as a teacher. Feeling a profound connection, I asked him to show me the true meaning of unconditional love.
What followed was a transformative revelation. Instead of directly showing me unconditional love, Jesus began by revealing its opposite: the many conditions we place on love, often unconsciously. He showed me how our love becomes entangled with attachments, expectations, and demands, starting with our parents.
“I love you if you love me back, if you behave this way, if you’re a good boy, if you do your schoolwork, if you make me happy…” These conditional patterns of love, I realized, had become deeply ingrained within me.
As the vision continued, I saw that every time I sought to earn love or manipulate others into loving me, I became their puppet. Invisible strings appeared, attaching me to those I sought to please. It became clear that true, unconditional love is not about “I love you if,” but rather, “I love you in spite of.”
This profound lesson from Jesus completely transformed my understanding and experience of love. It showed me that Christ Consciousness, at its core, is about embodying a love that is free from conditions and expectations – a love that allows others to be as they are, while still holding them with compassion.
As a Christ Conscious Leader, this insight has become a guiding light in my life and work. It has taught me to lead not from a place of attachment or control, but from a place of deep, unconditional love and service.
Three Signs You’re Ready for Christ Conscious Leadership
As you embark on this journey of embodying Christ Consciousness in your leadership, you may wonder if you’re truly ready. While everyone’s path is unique, there are common signs that indicate you’re prepared to embrace this transformative approach. Let’s explore three key signs that suggest you’re ready to become a Christ Conscious leader.
Sign #1: You feel called to something greater
- There’s va persistent voice in your heart urging you to serve others
- Traditional leadership models feel incomplete or unfulfilling
- You sense there’s a deeper way to make an impact
Sign #2: You’re experiencing inner transformation
- Old patterns and beliefs no longer serve you
- You’re drawn to heart-centered practices
- Compassion and empathy are becoming your natural responses
Sign #3: You want to bridge spirituality and practical leadership
- You seek to integrate your spiritual insights into daily leadership
- You want to lead authentically without compromising your values
- You’re ready to embody love in action
The Three Essential Decisions of Christ Conscious Leadership
Embodying Christ Consciousness in your leadership requires more than just understanding the concept intellectually. It demands a commitment to making conscious choices that align with the principles of love, compassion, and service. In my experience, there are three essential decisions every Christ Conscious leader must make to fully embrace this path.
Decision 1: Follow Your Heart’s Higher Calling
When I first heard my heart’s calling, I was terrified. It meant leaving my comfortable corporate life and stepping into unknown territory. But this decision changed everything. Your heart’s calling might be whispering to you right now. Listen to it. This means:
- Choosing love over fear in daily decisions
- Confronting your inner dragons (those parts of you that resist love, such as ego, fear, or limiting beliefs)
- Committing to your highest potential, even when it’s uncomfortable
Decision 2: Support Others on Their Journey
This isn’t about becoming a guru or spiritual teacher. It’s about being a lighthouse for others, just as Jesus was. In my work with thousands of leaders, I’ve seen how this decision creates ripple effects of transformation. You can:
- Share your authentic journey with others
- Hold space for others’ growth and healing
- Offer guidance without attempting to “fix” people
Decision 3: Master Heart Leadership Skills
Just as a surgeon must master specific techniques, a Christ Conscious Leader must develop certain capabilities. Through my years of training leaders, I’ve identified nine essential skills that include:
- Emotional mastery
- Heart-brain coherence
- Transformational presence
- Spiritual discernment
Practical Steps to Embody Christ Consciousness Today
Now that we’ve explored the signs of readiness and the essential decisions of Christ Conscious leadership, you may be wondering how to begin integrating these principles into your daily life and leadership practice. Embodying Christ Consciousness is a journey, not a destination, and it requires consistent, intentional effort. Here are four practical steps you can take today to start embodying Christ Consciousness in your life and leadership.
1) Start with Self-Love
- Begin each day with 5-10 minutes of heart-centered breathing
- Practice self-forgiveness daily
- Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small
2) Extend Compassion Outward
- Choose one person each day to send loving thoughts to
- Practice listening without judgment
- Find opportunities to serve others, even in small ways
3) Integrate Leadership with Love
- Make decisions by checking in with your heart first
- Address conflicts with empathy and compassion
- Lead by example, not by force
4) Listen to my Birthing the Inner Christ Guided Meditation
In this “Birthing the Inner Christ” guided meditation, part of the 21-Day Heart Centered Meditation Experience, you will embark on a transformative journey to awaken the Christ consciousness within your heart. Visualize the birth of the Inner Christ, embody love, power, and compassion, and set intentions for personal growth and transformation.
Your Invitation to Deeper Transformation
If you’re feeling called to embody Christ Conscious Leadership, know that you’re not alone on this journey. Every day, I witness leaders like you awakening to their higher calling and creating profound positive change in their families, communities, and organizations.
Embarking on this path takes courage, as it often means confronting long-held beliefs and patterns. But the rewards – a deeper connection to your authentic self, more meaningful relationships, and the ability to create lasting, positive change – are immeasurable.
The Heart Leadership Training Program begins Tuesday, February 11th, 2025. This nine-month journey will guide you through:
- Awakening your Christ Consciousness
- Mastering the nine skills of Heart Leadership
- Transforming your leadership through love
- Building a community of like-minded leaders
To learn more and secure your spot, visit: Learn More About the 2025 Heart Leader Training Program
Remember, the second coming of Christ isn’t about waiting for an external savior – it’s about awakening the Christ Consciousness within your own heart. Will you answer its call to adventure?
From my heart to yours,